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exhibitions in 2004 << 2003 | 2005 >>
Early 20th Centuries. Sights, landscapes, portraits, still lifes
(Primo Novecento. Vedute, paesaggi, ritratti, nature morte)

edited by Daina Maja Titonel Cesare Maggi: Still life

March 27 - April 30, 2004
reviews on web: Exibart - Primo Novecento
In exhibition 20 paintings of early 20th Centuries: Amedeo Bocchi, Francesco Cangiullo, Felice Carena, Giuseppe Casciaro, Giovan Battista Crema, Ferruccio Ferrazzi, Willy Hamacker, Romolo Leone, Enrico Lionne, Cesare Maggi, Antonio Mancini, Guido Marussig, Arturo Noci, Carlo Prada, Giulio Aristide Sartorio, Armando Spadini, Francesco Trombadori, Mario Vellani Marchi.

"Rome, dear Rome". The portrayed city, 1774 - 1945
("Roma o cara". La città ritratta, 1774 - 1945)

edited by Lela Djokic Giacinto Gigante: Rome, Tevere at Ripa Grande

September 18 - November 13, 2004
reviews on web: Roma One - "Roma o cara": ritratti della cittą  .:. T9TV - Roma o cara  .:. Exibart - Roma o cara  .:. Eventi d'arte - Roma o cara. La cittą ritratta. 1774-1945

In exhibition about 40 paintings from the end of 18th Century through 1945 showing Rome, its monuments and sights. R. Allot, F. Anivitti, G. Balla, A. Bertaccini, J. J. X. Bidauld, A. Bocchi, O. Carlandi, C. L. Clerisseau, E. Coleman, H. Corrodi, V. Cusatelli, J. Fay, M. De Franceschi, K. L. Frommel, G. Gigante, V. Giovannini, C. Gore, V. Grassi, C. Haag, C. Haase, A. Hertel, A. Jensen, A. Kirnig, F. Knebel, W. Linde, L. Mariotti, V. Menegozzo, V. J. Nicolle, J. Nicole, G. Pastina, C. Petersen, C. M. Quaedvlieg, F. Rinaldi, H. P. Riviere, E. Roesler Franz, M. W. Roman, F. L. Ruben, F. Schianchi, P. Sassi, G. A. Sartorio, A. Spadini, C. Socrate, L. Surdi, W. Whider, J. Zhand.

Flowers at "Campo dei Fiori"
1900 - 1980
flowers and still lifes from Balla through Ziveri

(Fiori al Campo dei Fiori 1900 - 1980. Fiori e natura morta da Balla a Ziveri)
exhibition and catalogue edited by Lela Djokic and Daina Maja Titonel Francesco Trombadori: Still life with violets

December 9, 2004 - January 31, 2005

 press release (38.5kb) (in italian)
reviews on web: Exibart - Fiori al Campo dei Fiori

In exhibition 34 paintings representing still lifes and flowers: G. Balla, R. G. Battaini, M. Cascella, G. Casciaro, G. Chini, R. Dal Molin Ferenzona, D. De Angelis, G. De Sanctis, F. De Pisis, A. Donghi, L. Fontana, R. Francalancia, P. Gaudenzi, G. Guerrini, G. Marussig, A. Noci, V. Nomellini, A. Pincherle, E. Pregno, G. Romiti, A. Spadini, G. Szoldatics, G. Tempestini, F. Trombadori, R. Villani, E. Zampetti Nava, A. Ziveri.
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Nuova Galleria Campo dei Fiori | via di Monserrato, 30 - 00186 Rome ITALY | phone +39.06.68804621
gallery hours: monday through saturday 10 am - 1 pm / 4 pm - 7 pm | closed on monday mornings and public holidays
italian version | last update: September 7, 2013 | connected users: 16