Nuova Galleria Campo dei Fiori - home page Nuova Galleria Campo dei Fiori
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where we are

The Nuova Galleria Campo dei Fiori Gallery is located in via di Monserrato 30 near piazza Farnese (Farnese square).

If you're not a resident in the central traffic limited zones of Rome, entrance by car is only permitted after 6.00 pm and on saturday mornings till 2.00 pm.
The closest payment parking is located on Lungotevere dei Tebaldi.

Bus: 62, 64, 46, 81, 87.
Nuova Galleria Campo dei Fiori | via di Monserrato, 30 - 00186 Rome ITALY | phone +39.06.68804621
gallery hours: monday through saturday 10 am - 1 pm / 4 pm - 7 pm | closed on monday mornings and public holidays
italian version | last update: September 7, 2013 | connected users: 9