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exhibitions in 2001 << 2000 | 2002 >>
"White and Black" at the Amateurs and Connoisseurs Exhibitions
("Bianco e Nero" agli Amatori e Cultori)
edited by Emanuele Bardazzi and Lela Djokic Sigmund Lipinski: Le Parche
January 18 - March 10, 2001
catalogue edited by Emanuele Bardazzi
 press release (29.5kb) (in italian)
reviews on web: Exibart - Bianco e Nero
The show is dedicated to a hundred year old Roman Arts Institution, called the Beaux Arts Society of Amateurs and Connoisseurs (Società degli Amatori e Cultori di Belle Arti).
Founded in 1829 by a group of artists, intellectuals and aristocrats with the goal to promote visual arts, it held its first exhibition in the rooms of the Campidoglio in 1830 and the last one organized in Palazzo delle Esposizioni in 1929.
Today’s show invites us to revisit the graphic sections organized inside the exhibitions of Amateurs and Connoisseurs since 1902. The first show is totally dedicated to Black and White.
In exhibition, works by: D. Baccarini, F. Bracquemond, F. W. Brangwyn, D. Cambellotti, A. Carbonati, E. Chahine, B. Croatto, R. Dal Molin Ferenzona, A. De Carolis, J. von Divèki, O. Graf, O. Greiner, V. Grassi, G. Guerrini, P. Joris, F. Khnopff, T. Kleen, M. Klinger, T. van Hoytema, C. Larsson, A. Lèpere, S. Lipinsky, A. Martini, M. H. Menier, A. Muller, C. A. Petrucci, F. Nonni, U. Prencipe, G. Prola, M. Robbe, M. Roeder, A. Rossini, A. Rubino, G. A. Sartorio, T. Steinlen, H. de Toulouse Lautrec, H. Vogler.

Artists in exhibition / 1890-1940
(Artisti in mostra / 1890-1940)
edited by Lela Djokic Giovanni Guerrini: Manifesto of II Exhibition of Decorative Arts. Monza 1925.
June 2 - July 31, 2001
volume "1890-1940. Artisti e Mostre - repertorio di pittori e incisori italiani in esposizioni nazionali" edited by Renato Breda
 press release (31kb) (in italian)
reviews on web: Exibart - Artisti in mostra .:. Caffe' Europa - Artisti in mostra
This exhibition is also the occasion to present to the public the volume of Renato Breda: 1890-1940. Artisti e Mostre - repertorio di pittori e incisori italiani in esposizioni nazionali, edited by the Gallery.
The book is the result of long and arduous research and includes more than 10.000 names of Italian Artists who appear in 430 shows between 1890 and 1940. Each painter is mentioned with the artistic events he participated in to facilitate any kind of study. This catalogue inventory is essential especially for those who are by now forgotten names, because they were left out from existing dictionaries.
Together with the publication there is an exhibition which includes the works of some thirty painters chosen among those that represent in the best way the line of the gallery during the ten year’s period taken in examination: D. Baccarini, H. Corrodi, A. Bogoni, D. Cambellotti, O. Carlandi, A. De Carolis, A. Dazzi, F. Ferrazzi, P. Ghiglia, E. Gioja, G. Guerrini, C. Innocenti, T. Lessi, C. Maggi, I. Magliocchetti, A. Mancini, G. Marussig, G. Micheli, C. Montani, E. Nava, P. Nomellini, Pasquarosa, G. Rivaroli, L. Roda, E. Roesler Franz, G. A. Sartorio, A. Spadini.

Adolfo De Carolis 1874 -1928, a discovered masterpiece - an unpublished correspondence
(Adolfo De Carolis 1874 -1928, un capolavoro ritrovato - un carteggio inedito)
edited by Emanuele Bardazzi, Carlo Fabrizio Carli and Lela Djokic Adolfo De Carolis: Spring
November 10 - December 29, 2001
catalogue edited by Emanuele Bardazzi, Carlo Fabrizio Carli and Lela Djokic
 press release (24.5kb) (in italian)
reviews on web: Exibart - De Carolis .:. Portfolio Italia - De Carolis
The exhibition is dedicated to Adolfo De Carolis, painter, decorator and draughtsman, a personality that has marked the artistic scene at the beginning of the XX the century. He is one of the most important italian painter of the idealistic and symbolistic art between the Nineteenth and the Twentieth century, with a very strong decorative and monumental impact mixed with Elements from the Preraffaeliti and the Renaissance.
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Nuova Galleria Campo dei Fiori | via di Monserrato, 30 - 00186 Rome ITALY | phone +39.06.68804621
gallery hours: monday through saturday 10 am - 1 pm / 4 pm - 7 pm | closed on monday mornings and public holidays
italian version | last update: September 7, 2013 | connected users: 13