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Guido Marussig 1885 - 1972, an artist of Trieste between Symbolism and Déco
edited by: Lela Djokic, Daniela Balzaretti, Carlo Fabrizio Carli.

dates: April 5 - May 10, 2003.

catalogue edited by: Carlo Fabrizio Carli and Lela Djokic.

 press release (52kb) (in italian)

Following the studies into Italian art from the second half of the 19th Century and the first 30 years of the 20th Century, the New Campo dei Fiori Gallery dedicates this exhibition to the painter, engraver, sculptor, set designer, architect and internal designer Guido Marussig (1885 - 1972) from Trieste.
On show, along with oils, tempera, watercolours and xylography there is a fully furnished studio (with a bookcase, a boiserie, a desk, an armchair and two chairs). The idea of the studio was formulated and furnished by Marussig with many decorated panels and tiles. Datable to around 1920, the studio and its furnishing is a fine example of the ability of Marussig in interior design. A heritage jugendstil adapted under a completely deco point of view.
reviews on web
Exibart - Guido Marussig .:.  Etciu - Guido Marussig
related exhibitions
Guido Marussig. Il mestiere delle Arti. Museo Revoltella, Trieste (Italy), July 31 - October 10, 2004.
pictures on exposition (selection) click on images to enlarge

G. Marussig: Wistaria Wistaria, circa 1908-1910
oil on canvas
120 by 110 cm
signed bottom left: Guido Marussig
G. Marussig: Fabriano, medieval building with fountain Fabriano, medieval building with fountain, circa 1918
watercolour on paper
42 by 33 cm
signed bottom right: Guido Marussig
G. Marussig: Vendramin Park Vendramin Park, 1907
oil on canvas
77 by 55 cm
signed bottom left: Guido Marussig
G. Marussig: Garden on Garda Garden on Garda, circa 1916-1920
oil and tempera on cartoon
70 by 69 cm
signed bottom left: Guido Marussig
G. Marussig: Sunset Sunset, circa 1907
oil on canvas
61 by 88 cm
signed bottom left: Guido Marussig
G. Marussig: Venice, Chiesa della Salute Venice, Chiesa della Salute, circa 1920
tempera on canvas
120 by 70 cm
signed bottom left: Guido Marussig
G. Marussig: table and chair Desk and armchair, circa 1920
150 by 290 by 48 cm
G. Marussig: Boiserie Boiserie, circa 1920
150 by 366 by 48 cm
G. Marussig: two chairs Two chairs, circa 1920
96.5 by 43 by 45 cm
G. Marussig: library Bookcase, circa 1920
150 by 290 by 48 cm
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Nuova Galleria Campo dei Fiori | via di Monserrato, 30 - 00186 Rome ITALY | phone +39.06.68804621
gallery hours: monday through saturday 10 am - 1 pm / 4 pm - 7 pm | closed on monday mornings and public holidays
italian version | last update: September 7, 2013 | connected users: 1